French Word of the Day

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Friday, May 10, 2013

une puce

a flea

Les chiens et les chats se grattent quand ils ont des puces.
Dogs and cats scratch themselves when they have fleas.

Vocabulary Section: Animals and Pets, Word of the Day
Thursday, May 9, 2013

un chasse-neige

a snowplow

Les chasse-neige étaient en action toute la nuit pour déblayer la route.
The snowplows were going all night to clear the road.

Our word is among the vocabulary of winter weather. Discover more weather words here.

Test yourself on today’s word and others like it here.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

un refoulement d’égouts

a drain (or sewer) backup

La pluie a causé plusieurs refoulements d’égouts.
The rain caused several drain backups.

Our word is inspired by thunderstorms and their effectsles orages et leurs effets. Click here to discover more words about weather and geography.

Test yourself on today’s word and others like it.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

un flic

a cop (US), a bobby (British)

Les flics ont arrêté les émeutiers.
The cops arrested the rioters.

Every language is full of slang, or l’argot. French is no exception. Today, our word is a common example. Words like these are generally more informal, and you’ll want to use them only in familiar settings.

Test yourself on today’s word and other slang words here.

Vocabulary Section: Police and Crime, Slang, Word of the Day
Monday, May 6, 2013

un feu rouge, un feu vert

a red light, a green light

Sunday, May 5, 2013

la fièvre printanière

spring fever

Saturday, May 4, 2013


outside there

Tu vois toutes les nouvelles fleurs là-dehors?
Do you see all the new flowers outside there?

One of the things you might notice when you visit a French-speaking country is that the word — there — comes up a lot. Inevitably, there seems to be some pointing involved as someone describes to you where something is located. Moreover, is often combined with other adverbs of place to emphasize the direction of something. Today, we’re looking at one example of this little word with a big place in day-to-day French language.

Test your knowledge on the use of and related adverbs here.

Vocabulary Section: Adverbs, Word of the Day
Friday, May 3, 2013

le second rôle, le second rôle féminin

the supporting actor, the supporting actress

Elle a gagné le prix pour le meilleur second rôle féminin.
She won the prize for best supporting actress.

le premier rôle = the leading actor
le premier rôle féminin = the leading actress

Our word is inspired by the cinema. For more words about films and filmmaking, click here.

Test yourself on today’s word and others about movies here.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

une flaque

a puddle

Les oiseaux chantent et se baignent dans les flaques.
The birds sing and bathe in the puddles.

Our word is inspired by the changing seasons. For more words about the seasons, click here.

Test yourself on today’s word and others like it here.

Vocabulary Section: Seasons, Word of the Day
Wednesday, May 1, 2013


to chatter

Il faisait si froid que ses dents claquaient.
It was so cold that he teeth were chattering.

The verb claquer can refer to a variety of sounds:

  • claquer des mains = to clap
  • faire claquer les doigts = to snap one’s fingers
  • claquer = to make a loud sound
  • claquer une porte = to slam a door

Our word is one of the many sounds, or les sons, we make. To learn more words for sounds, click here.

Test yourself on today’s word and others like it here.

Vocabulary Section: Sounds, Verbs, Word of the Day
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