French Word of the Day

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Monday, May 20, 2013

se reposer

to rest

Elle se repose sous le soleil.
She is resting under the sun.

Our word is inspired by life in the sun and is one of many verbs you can discover on our site.

Test yourself on today’s word and others about life in the sun here.

Vocabulary Section: Verbs, Word of the Day
Sunday, May 19, 2013

je vous le passe

I’m transferring you.

Un moment, je vous le passe.
Just a moment, I’m transferring you.

Our phrase is one of many useful for the telephone. To discover more phrases that can help you with basic phone conversations, click here.

Vocabulary Section: Telephone, Word of the Day
Saturday, May 18, 2013

une couleur

a coloring, dye job

Je crois que je veux une couleur.
I think I want a hair coloring.

Looking one’s best is something taken quite seriously by many French people. Consequently, a trip to the salon or barbershop is tout à fait essentiel. To learn more words about fashion and beauty, including the salon, click here.

Test yourself on today’s word and others about a trip to the salon here.

Vocabulary Section: Fashion and Beauty, Word of the Day
Friday, May 17, 2013


n.f., the case (in court)

L’affaire a été rejetée par le tribunal.
The case was dismissed by the court.

Our word is part of the vocabulary of the courtroom. For more words about civics and the community, click here.

Test yourself on today’s word and others about the courtroom here.

Vocabulary Section: Civics, Word of the Day
Thursday, May 16, 2013

une patte

a paw (of a pet or animal)

Le chat marche légèrement à quatre pattes.
The cat is walking gently on four paws.

Our word is inspired by our furry four-legged friends. For more words about animals and pets, click here.

Vocabulary Section: Animals and Pets, Word of the Day
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

s’attendre à

to expect to

De la langue française, nous nous attendons à en apprendre davantage cette année.
When it comes to the French language, we expect to learn more this year.

Our word is inspired by new beginnings and the possibilities that come with them. It’s just one of many verbs we’ve posted. Click here to discover more.

Test yourself on today’s word and others about the possibilities of new beginnings here.

Vocabulary Section: Verbs, Word of the Day
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

appeler, rappeler

to call, to call back

J’ai appelé ma mère, mais elle n’était pas là.
I called my mother, but she wasn’t there.

Mon père m’a dit de la rappeler en 30 minutes.
My father told me to call her back in 30 minutes.

Our words are part of our look at vocabulary for the telephone. To see more telephone vocabulary, click here.

Vocabulary Section: Telephone, Word of the Day
Monday, May 13, 2013

une fissure

a crack

Sophie compte les fissures du trottoir en marchant avec sa mère.
Sophie is counting the cracks in the pavement while walking with her mother.

Our word is inspired by what you might see while taking a walk. To see more words about recreation and the great outdoors, click here.

Test yourself on today’s word and others like it here.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

un compte chèques

a checking account

Nadia a ouvert un nouveau compte chèques à la banque près de sa maison.
Nadia opened a new checking account at the bank near her house.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

un entretien d’embauche

a job interview

Êtes-vous bien préparé pour votre entretien d’embauche?
Are you well-prepared for your job interview?

Our word is inspired by the workplace and working. Click here to discover more words about business and industry.

Test yourself on today’s word and others about the workplace here.

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