French Word of the Day

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Saturday, October 31, 2009


Alternative French spelling (not necessarily accepted in dictionaries): l’Alowine

n.m., Halloween

On a récemment commencé à célébrer l’Halloween en France.
They’ve recently begun to celebrate Halloween in France.

Lire. Halloween, an Anglo-Saxon holiday, has only recently gained popularity in France.Author Peter Mayle, who wrote A Year in Provence, published this column in the New York Times on the subject this week:

Vocabulary Section: Holidays, Word of the Day
Friday, October 30, 2009

un fantôme

a ghost

Les fantômes sortiront demain….mais n’ayez pas peur!

The ghosts will be out tomorrow…but don’t be afraid!

Today’s word is a clue about what we’ll have for you tomorrow. Don’t forget to look for tomorrow’s e-mail or visit us a

Vocabulary Section: Holidays, Word of the Day
Thursday, October 29, 2009

la planche à roulettes


Il aime faire la planche à roulettes à Paris.
He loves to skateboard in Paris.

We couldn’t resist featuring a second word inspired by yesterday’s video about skateboarding and snacking in Paris.
In case you missed it, check it out:

If you have difficulty seeing the video, please visit our site at

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

un pare-brise

a windshield

Regardez pars le pare-brise pour voir l’autoroute.
Look through the windshield to see the highway.

Vocabulary Section: Cars, Word of the Day
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

un plancher

a floor

Madame Toussaint veut faire installer un plancher de bois.
Mrs. Toussaint wants to have a wood floor installed.

Vocabulary Section: Around the House, Word of the Day
Sunday, October 18, 2009

faire la valise

to pack a suitcase

Il a fait sa valise avant d’aller a l’aéroport.
He packed his bag before going to the airport.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

un bricoleur

a handyman

Si vous avez une maison, il faut trouver un bon bricoleur.
If you have a house, you have to find a good handyman.

Vocabulary Section: Around the House, Word of the Day
Friday, October 2, 2009

un pingouin

a penguin

Les pingouins habitent où il fait très froid.
Penguins live where it’s very cold.

Today, enjoy this subtitled penguin cartoon, and learn some new French words along the way. Amusez-vous bien!

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Please click here to visit our Web site to enjoy it!

Vocabulary Section: Animals and Pets, Word of the Day