French Word of the Day

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Friday, November 30, 2012

se blottir

to snuggle

Il faisait si froid que je me suis blotti dans mon lit.
It was so cold that I snuggled up in my bed.

The example above explains how to express snuggling in something. To express the idea of snuggling up with someone, you would use the preposition contre: La fille s’est blottie contre sa mère (The girl snuggled up with her mother).

Most of us spend about a third of our lives sleeping. Today’s word is inspired by sleep and the activities related to it.

Vocabulary Section: Verbs, Word of the Day
Thursday, November 29, 2012

un pote

a friend, buddy, mate, pal

Je vais au pub avec mes potes ce soir.
I’m going to the pub with my buddies tonight.

Every language is full of slang, or l’argot. French is no exception. Today’s word is one example. Words like this are generally more informal, and you’ll want to use them only in familiar settings.

Vocabulary Section: Slang, Word of the Day
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

le chemin

the path

Ils ont suivi le chemin qui serpentait à travers le parc.
They followed the path that wound through the park.

Our vocabulary topic is au parc (at the park).

Vocabulary Section: Park, Word of the Day
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

chez le médecin

at the doctor’s office

Si tu es malade, va chez le médecin.
If you’re sick, go to the doctor (or doctor’s office).

The phrase chez le docteur means the same as chez le médecin.

Our vocabulary word is just what the doctor ordered to describe a visit to the doctor’s office, chez le médecin.

Vocabulary Section: Body and Health, Word of the Day
Sunday, November 25, 2012


to cross

Quand est-ce qu’on peut traverser la rue? En savoir demain!
When can we cross the street? Find out tomorrow!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

une table basse

a coffee table

Une table basse est normalement devant le divan.
A coffee table is usually in front of the sofa.

Our French vocabulary word is one of many about furniture, les meubles.

Friday, November 23, 2012

le bord de la mer

the seaside, by the sea

Nous allons passer nos vacances au bord de la mer.
We’re going to spend our vacation at the seaside.

Le bord also means the edge of something.

Thursday, November 22, 2012



L’homme était trouvé coupable.
The man was found guilty.

Vocabulary Section: Adjectives, Civics, Word of the Day
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

l’addition, la note

n.f., the check

Pourriez-vous apporter l’addition, s’il vous plaît?
Could you bring the check, please?

Today, we’re exploring one of our favorite topics — on the menu

Vocabulary Section: Food and Drink, Word of the Day
Tuesday, November 20, 2012


  • to take out, to get out (as a transitive verb)
  • to go out or leave (as an intransitive verb)

Philippe sort l’aspirateur du placard.
Philippe is taking the vacuum cleaner out of the closet.

Philippe sort à 19h00.
Philippe is leaving at 7 o’ clock.

Sortir is usually first learned as an intransitive verb meaning to go out. However, when used with an object, or as a transitive verb, it means to take something out or get something out. Interestingly, these two meanings also require different auxiliary verbs to form the past tense. When using sortir to mean to leave or to go out, conjugate the passé composé with être: Elle est sortie (She left). But when using sortir as a transitive verb to mean to take something out, conjugate the passé composé with avoir: Elle a sorti les œufs (She took out the eggs).

Our word is inspired by a topic that has been very popular with our readers in the past — le ménage, or housework.

Vocabulary Section: Around the House, Word of the Day
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