French Word of the Day

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Sunday, March 31, 2013

une course-poursuite

a high-speed chase

Les deux voitures se sont percutées pendant une course-poursuite.
The two cars collided during a high-speed chase.

Test yourself on today’s word and more like it here.

Vocabulary Section: Cars, Police and Crime, Word of the Day
Saturday, March 30, 2013

un quartier

a neighborhood

Il y a beaucoup de bons restaurants dans notre quartier.
There are a lot of good restaurants in our neighborhood.

Check out our  Quick Verb Guide!

Vocabulary Section: Society, Word of the Day
Friday, March 29, 2013

la levure


Pour faire lever le pain, il faut ajouter la levure.
In order to make bread rise, you have to add yeast.

Our word is inspired by bread-making and the breads of France — les pains de France. It’s one of several words in this category that we hope will leave you well-armed to visit a boulangerie or supermarché and buy a loaf that reveals all the simple pleasures of French life.

Test yourself on today’s word and others about bread and bread-making here.

Vocabulary Section: Food and Drink, Word of the Day
Thursday, March 28, 2013

le travail à temps plein (ou le travail à temps partiel)

full-time work (or part-time work)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


to lose weight (get thin)/to gain weight (get fat)

Elle maigrit pendant que son mari grossit.
She’s losing weightwhile her husband’s gaining weight.

Our words are examples of regular -ir
verbs. To learn how to conjugate regular -ir verbs, check out our -ir verb conjugation page in our Quick Verb Guide. Here are also a few links to other regular -ir verbs we’ve published in the past that you might find useful:

Test yourself on today’s word and other -ir verbs here.

Vocabulary Section: Verbs, Word of the Day
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

un tableau

a (chalk)board

Le professeur écrit les phrases en français au tableau.
The professor writes the sentences in French on the board.

un tableau blanc = a whiteboard

Our word is among essential vocabulary for the classroom.

Test yourself on today’s word and others about the classroom here.

Vocabulary Section: Classroom, Word of the Day
Sunday, March 24, 2013

il tombe des hallebardes

Actual meaning: it’s raining cats and dogs
Literal meaning: it’s raining halberds (halberds are sharp battle axes)

Je ne veux pas sortir. Il tombe des hallebardes!
I don’t want to go out. It’s raining cats and dogs!

We love idiomatic phrases. Today’s is a fun and useful one that provides a fascinating window into the French mindset.

Test yourself on today’s word and other idiomatic phrases here.

Vocabulary Section: Idiom Expressions, Word of the Day
Saturday, March 23, 2013

le trottoir

the sidewalk

Henri a laissé tomber son mobile sur le trottoir en marchant à Paris.
Henri dropped his mobile phone on the sidewalk while walking in Paris.

We’re going for a walk. Our word is just one of many things you might encounter à pied (on foot).

Test yourself on today’s word and others like it here.

Friday, March 22, 2013


to pick or pluck

Les vendangeurs sont embauchés pour cueillir le raisin.
The grape harvesters are hired to pick the grapes.

Wine and winemaking are inextricable parts of the French culture. Today, our word is inspired by the vocabulary of the vineyards.

Test yourself on today’s word and others about wine and winemaking here.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

la carte

the menu

Pourrions-nous voir la carte, s’il vous plaît?
Could we see the menu, please?

Today, we’re exploring one of our favorite topics — on the menu! To see other words we’ve posted about the menu, visit us at

Vocabulary Section: Food and Drink, Word of the Day
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