French Word of the Day

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

un divan

a couch, sofa

Ils ont un grand divan jaune dans leur salon.
They have a big, yellow sofa in their living room.

Additional words for couch or sofa are un canapé or, even, un sofa.

Our word is one among many types of furniture, les meubles.

Test yourself on today’s word and others like it here.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

la grippe porcine

swine flu

Vocabulary Section: Body and Health, Word of the Day
Monday, March 18, 2013

un garçon

a boy

Le garçon arrive en classe à 9h.
The boy arrives for class at 9 o’clock.

Today’s word is one of many basic vocabulary words on our site to help students who are studying French for the first time. Craving more words? Visit our site and browse the archives.

Need help with verbs? Check out our Quick Verb Guide.

Vocabulary Section: Society, Word of the Day
Sunday, March 17, 2013

la pousse de nouvelles feuilles

the sprouting of new leaves

Je regarde la pousse de nouvelles feuilles sur l’arbre.
I’m watching the sprouting of new leaves on the tree.

Our phrase is inspired by the signs of springles signes de printemps.

Test yourself on today’s word and others like it here.

Vocabulary Section: Seasons, Word of the Day
Friday, March 15, 2013

déposer, verser

to deposit

Je vais déposer la cheque sur mon compte.
I’m going to deposit the check into my account.

Today, our word is related to money and banking. To see other words on this topic, please visit our site.

Vocabulary Section: Money, Verbs, Word of the Day
Thursday, March 14, 2013

une réservation

a reservation

Faut-il faire une réservation pour ce restaurant?
Is it necessary to make a reservation for this restaurant?

Vocabulary Section: Food and Drink, Word of the Day
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

se faire couper les cheveux

to get a haircut

Bonjour, je voudrais me faire couper les cheveux.
Hello, I’d like to get a haircut.


  • a haircut = une coupe
  • a trim = un rafraîchissement

Fashion and beauty is a serious part of French culture. Consequently, a trip to the salon or barbershop is tout à fait essentiel. Today, our words will help you navigate your trip to the salon.

Test yourself on today’s word and others like it here.

Vocabulary Section: Fashion and Beauty, Word of the Day
Monday, March 11, 2013

un œuf dur

a hard-boiled egg

Si vous voulez un œuf dur, vous voulez un œuf complètement cuit.
If you want a hard-boiled egg, you want a fully cooked egg.

Our word is among the many ways to cook an egg.

Test yourself on today’s word and others like it here.

Vocabulary Section: Food and Drink, Word of the Day
Sunday, March 10, 2013

une daube

a stew

Gardez-vous au chaud avec une daube provençale!
Keep warm with a Provencale beef stew!

While une daube means a stew in general terms, it quite often refers specifically to a classic Provençale recipe of beef, red wine and vegetables.

Test yourself on today’s word and others like it here.

Vocabulary Section: Food and Drink, Word of the Day
Saturday, March 9, 2013

un mot de passe

a password

On doit avoir un mot de passe pour connecter a l’internet.
One has to have a password to connect to the Internet.

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