French Word of the Day

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Friday, March 8, 2013

se dépêcher

to hurry

Dépêchez-vous! Il n’y a pas beaucoup de temps.
Hurry up! There isn’t much time.

Vocabulary Section: Verbs, Word of the Day
Thursday, March 7, 2013

une ficelle (de pain)

a stick (of bread)

Une ficelle est comme une baguette, mais plus maigre.
A ficelle is like a baguette (traditional French loaf), but thinner.

See what a ficelle looks like on Wikipedia. Literally,
ficelle means string.

Our word is one of the many breads of France — les pains de France. Bread plays such an important role in French cuisine and indeed the life of the French that it’s essential to learn to ask for the loaf you want.

Test yourself on today’s word and others like it here.

Vocabulary Section: Food and Drink, Word of the Day
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

un fauteuil

an armchair, seat

Ne restez pas dans votre fauteuil aujourd’hui!
Don’t stay in your seat today!

Our word is among the many pieces of furniture, les meubles.

Test yourself on today’s word and others like it here.

Monday, March 4, 2013

se promener

to go for a walk

Je me suis promené à travers la ville.
I took a walk through the city.

As you can see, se promener is a reflexive verb. In a way, it is as if to say you are walking yourself. You also can use promener as a non-reflexive verb to express the act of walking something else — your dog, for instance. You could say: Je promène le chien. (I’m walking the dog.)

To express the action of walking when there is no object, use the verb marcher (to walk).
For example: Il a marché toute la journée. (He walked all day.)

Our word is inspired by activities we can do à pied (on foot).

Test yourself on today’s word and others like it with this quiz.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

un rhume

a cold

J’ai le rhume.
I have a cold.

Our vocabulary topic is the common cold.

Test yourself on today’s word and others like it here.

Vocabulary Section: Body and Health, Word of the Day
Friday, March 1, 2013

un château de sable

a sandcastle

Les enfants bâtissent des châteaux de sable à la plage.
Children build sandcastles at the beach.

Nouns like chateau that end in -eau form their plurals by adding an x.

Our word is inspired by the seaside.

Test yourself on today’s word and more like it here.

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