French Word of the Day

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

une scène animée de Noël

an animated Christmas scene

Voici une scène animée de Noël qu’on peut voir à Paris.
Here’s an animated Christmas scene you can see in Paris.

Vidéo. Yes, we know this is very semblable (similar) to something we showed you earlier this week. But we couldn’t resist. This is the animated Christmas display for Printemps, the other grand Paris department store. Amusez-vous bien!

To mark this season of gift-giving, our vocabulary topic for the week is holiday shopping. To see all the words we’ve posted on the topic this week, of if you received this video via e-mail and have difficulty viewing it, please visit our Web site at

CORRECTION: In yesterday’s e-mail, we had a faute d’orthographe, a misspelling. We should have spelled en ligne (online) as it is here. The spelling has been corrected in yesterday’s post on our Web site.