French Word of the Day

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Sunday, January 27, 2013

un bisou

a kiss

La mère a fait un bisou à son petit garçon.
The mother gave a kiss to her little boy.

As you might imagine, the French, with their propensity for amour, have a number of ways to say a kiss or to kiss. A few others you might hear:

  • une bise (a kiss)
  • un baiser** (a kiss)
  • embrasser (to give a kiss to, followed by a person)
  • s’embrasser (to kiss each other)

** Take great care when using un baiser to mean a kiss. The verb form of the word has come to mean something much more in modern French and is equivalent to the English vulgarity. If in doubt, use another word for kiss.

Our vocabulary word is one of many about love
l’amour, in French.