French Word of the Day

French Fanatic

Learn French vocabulary with one new French word a day
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Monday, August 17, 2009

A Message from French Fanatic

Many students are resuming their studies this week, and some will be studying French for the first time! That makes this a perfect week to begin reviewing some basic, beginning French vocabulary. Over the coming days, we’ll post words and phrases that are essential to getting started with French.

If you’re a new student or teacher of new students, we hope some of the words and phrases will help you reinforce what you’re learning and teaching in your classes. If you’re a longtime student of French, maybe the upcoming postings will bring back some memories of your own early French studies and just maybe refresh a few forgotten details.

Here’s hoping you enjoy your studies of French as much as we do!

Bonne chance! (good luck)

French Fanatic Editor

Vocabulary Section: Editor's Message