French Word of the Day

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

la pleine lune

the full moon

La lumière de la pleine lune est tombée sur le lac.
The light of the full moon fell on the lake.

Vocabulary Section: Astronomy and Space, Word of the Day
Friday, June 15, 2012

se sécher

to dry (oneself)

Paul se sèche le visage avec une serviette.
Paul dries his face with a towel.

Vocabulary Section: Bath and Grooming, Verbs, Word of the Day
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

sans sucre


Elle cherche un boisson sans sucre.
She’s looking for a sugar-free drink.

Vocabulary Section: Food and Drink, Word of the Day
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

essayer, essayer de

to try on, to try to

J’essaie la chemise. J’essaie de confectionner une chemise.
I’m trying on the shirt. I’m trying to make a shirt.

In French, a verb’s meaning can change considerably depending upon the preposition that follows it. Today’s example shows how verbs and prepositions can get together to form entirely different ideas. This is also a good time to remind ourselves that French verbs do not always take the same prepositions as their English counterparts.

Monday, June 11, 2012

un pissenlit

a dandelion

Elle a vu plusieurs pissenlits pendant qu’elle se promenait le chemin.
She saw several dandelions while she was walking the path.

Vocabulary Section: Flowers and Plants, Word of the Day
Saturday, June 9, 2012

ne + aucun(e)

adj., none, not any, not a single

Used as an adjective to express the idea of none at all:
Savez-vous la limite de vitesse? Non, je n
‘ai aucune idée.
Do you know the speed limit? No, I don’t have any idea.

Used at the beginning of a sentence:
livre n‘était dans le sac à dos.
Not a single book was in the backpack.

Whether used at the beginning or elsewhere in the sentence, aucun
comes directly before the word it describes and ne must precede the verb. It can also be used as a one-word reply to a question:

  • Vous n’avez vraiment aucune idée? (You really have no idea?)
  • Aucune! (None at all!)
Vocabulary Section: Negatives, Word of the Day
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

casser la croûte

to have a snack

Cassons la croûte avant de nous coucher.
Let’s have a snack before going to bed.

Friday, June 1, 2012

réserver une chambre

to reserve a room

Nous devrions réserver une chambre trois mois à l’avance.
We should reserve a room three months in advance.

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