French Word of the Day

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009


to download

Normalement, on peut télécharger les nouveaux logiciels des sites Web.
Normally, you can download new software from Web sites.

Monday, July 13, 2009

un couvre-feu

a curfew

Le gouvernement a levé le couvre-feu.
The government lifted the curfew.

Vocabulary Section: Civics, Society, Word of the Day
Sunday, July 12, 2009


to mix

Mélangez le sel et le poivre avec le vinaigre.
Mix the salt and pepper with vinegar.

Vocabulary Section: Food and Drink, Word of the Day
Saturday, July 11, 2009

un portant de vêtements

a clothes rack

Elle a trouvé un chemisier sur le portant de vêtements soldés.
She found a blouse on the sale (clothes) rack.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


to pick up something

Les enfants ont ramassé leurs jouets.
The children picked up their toys.

Vocabulary Section: Around the House, Verbs, Word of the Day
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

un tiroir

a drawer

Il a mis ses clés dans le tiroir.
He put his keys in the drawer.

Vocabulary Section: Around the House, Word of the Day
Monday, July 6, 2009

les moustaches du chat

n.f., cat whiskers

Les moustaches du chat sont très utiles pour elle.
The cat’s whiskers are very useful for her.

Also: les moustaches du chien, dog whiskers

Vocabulary Section: Animals and Pets, Word of the Day
Sunday, July 5, 2009

une bande dessinée

comic strip, comics

Nous pouvons lire les bandes dessinées dans les journaux.
We can read the comics in the newspapers.

Correction: Yesterday’s word, les feux d’artifice (fireworks), was misspelled. You can see the corrected word on the site at Je suis désolé.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

les feux d’artifice


Aux États-Unis, aujourd’hui c’est un jour pour regarder les feux d’artifice.
In the United States, today is a day for watching fireworks.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


to borrow

Le pays a emprunté milliards de dollars.
The country has borrowed billions of dollars.

Vocabulary Section: Society, Verbs, Word of the Day
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