French Word of the Day

French Fanatic

Learn French vocabulary with one new French word a day
Thursday, October 13, 2011

la boîte aux lettres

the mailbox

Mettez votre lettre dans la boîte aux lettres.
Put your letter in the mailbox.

We’re covering words about sending mail and packages.

Vocabulary Section: Mail and Packages,Word of the Day

Monday, August 6, 2012

la livraison sous 24 heures

overnight delivery

Si la vitesse est très importante, choisissez la livraison sous 24 heures.
If speed is very important, choose overnight delivery (delivery within 24 hours).

Our word is inspired by the topic mail and packages.

Vocabulary Section: Mail and Packages,Word of the Day
Friday, April 26, 2013

la poste

the mail

La poste est-elle déjà arrivée?
Has the mail already arrived?

La poste est-elle déjà partie?
Has the mail already gone out?

Our word is among useful vocabulary about mail and package delivery. For more similar words and phrases, click here.

Test yourself on today’s word and others about mail and package delivery here.

Vocabulary Section: Mail and Packages,Word of the Day
Sunday, October 16, 2011

un code postal

a postal code

Vous pouvez rechercher un code postal en ligne.
You can find a postal code online.

We’re covering words about sending mail and packages.

Vocabulary Section: Mail and Packages,Word of the Day
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

un colis

a package

J’ai attendu le colis plus d’une semaine.
I waited for the package for more than a week.

We’re covering words about sending mail and packages.

Vocabulary Section: Mail and Packages,Word of the Day
Friday, October 14, 2011

un numéro de suivi

a tracking number

Indiquez votre numéro de suivi pour suivre votre envoi.
Enter your tracking number to track your shipment.

We’re covering words about sending mail and packages.

Vocabulary Section: Mail and Packages,Word of the Day
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

un timbre

a stamp

On vend des timbres au bureau de poste.
They sell stamps at the post office.

We’re covering words about sending mail and packages.

Vocabulary Section: Mail and Packages,Word of the Day