French Word of the Day

French Fanatic

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Quel temps fait-il?

How the weather?

Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?
How’s the weather today?

There are a lot ways to respond to this question. Here are some of them:

Il fait beau: It’s nice.
Il fait mauvais: It’s bad.
Il fait du soleil: It’s sunny.
Il fait chaud: It’s hot.
Il fait froid: It’s cold.
Il fait frais: It’s cool.
Il fait du brouillard: It’s foggy.
Il fait du vent: It’s windy.
C’est nuageux: It’s cloudy.
Il pleut: It’s raining.
Il neige: It’s snowing.

Today’s post is one in our series of occasional beginning vocabulary topics to help new students of French. We will be interspersing these with our regular, more advanced vocabulary. To see more words, please visit our site to browse the archives.