French Word of the Day

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Monday, December 17, 2012

la réouverture

the reopening

Tous les voyageurs bloqués attendaient la réouverture des aéroports.
All the stranded travelers were waiting for the reopening of the airports.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

la plage

the beach

Saturday, December 15, 2012

des progrès, progress

Vous avez fait des progrès!
You made progress!

Note how the French use the plural des progrès instead of a singular form of the word as we do in English. It’s just one of several examples of singular and plural differences between the two languages.

Friday, December 14, 2012

un tire-bouchon

a corkscrew

Vocabulary Section: Food and Drink, Word of the Day
Wednesday, December 12, 2012



Il ne va jamais au cinéma le dimanche.
He never goes to the movies on Sundays.

The ne…jamais construction functions exactly like the ne…pas and ne…plus constructions, with the words surrounding the main verb. Unlike those, jamais can be used as a one-word reply to a question.

We’re giving everyone permission to be negative — in French! Today’s example is one of many common negative constructions.

Vocabulary Section: Negatives, Word of the Day
Tuesday, December 11, 2012


to mop up (a liquid)

Jean éponge le lait que le bébé a renversé.
Jean mops up the milk that the baby spilled.

Our word is inspired by a topic that has been very popular with our readers in the past — le ménage, or housework.

Vocabulary Section: Around the House, Word of the Day
Sunday, December 9, 2012

en espèces

in cash

Il faut payer en espèces.
It’s necessary to pay in cash.

Today, our vocabulary word is inspired by money and banking. To see other words on this week’s topic, please visit our site.

Vocabulary Section: Money, Word of the Day
Saturday, December 8, 2012

La Grande Ourse

the Big Dipper

La Grande Ourse est l’une des constellations les plus connues.
The Big Dipper is one of the most well-known constellations.

In French, the translation of the Big Dipper is literally the Great Bear.

Vocabulary Section: Astronomy and Space, Word of the Day
Friday, December 7, 2012

une fourchette, une cuillère et un couteau

a fork, a spoon and a knife

Assurez-vous qu’il y a une fourchette, une cuillère et un couteau.
Make sure there’s a fork, a spoon and a knife.

Today’s words are among those essential to the dinner table.

Vocabulary Section: Food and Drink, Word of the Day
Thursday, December 6, 2012

la semelle

the sole

Les semelles de chaussures sont souvent fabriquées de caoutchouc.
The souls of shoes are often made of rubber.

We were inspired by an event held by Handicap International featuring pyramids of shoes piled up to protest the use of mines. Check out this pyramid of shoes in Paris. We couldn’t help but think of all those shoes and how to talk about them.

Vocabulary Section: Clothing, Shoes, Word of the Day
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