French Word of the Day

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

une feuille

a leaf

Les feuilles tombent des arbres en automne.
The leaves fall from the trees in the fall.

Sunday, September 20, 2009



Aujourd’hui, c’est facile de télécharger la musique numérique.
Today, it’s easy to download digital music.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


to think, ponder, consider

C’est important de réfléchir un peu avant de prendre une décision difficile.
It’s important to reflect a bit before making a difficult decision.

Réfléchir is a regular -ir verb.
To learn how to conjugate verbs like réfléchirclick here.

Learn about more types of verbs in our NEW Quick Verb Guide.

Vocabulary Section: Verbs, Word of the Day
Tuesday, September 15, 2009


to succeed, to pass (a test or exam)

Georges a réussi à son examen d’anglais. Il réussit à tout ce qu’il essaie de faire.
Georges passed his English exam.  He succeeds at everything he tries to do.

Réussir is a regular -ir verb.
To learn how to conjugate verbs like réussir, click here.

Learn about more types of verbs in our NEW Quick Verb Guide.

Vocabulary Section: Verbs, Word of the Day
Sunday, September 13, 2009

un rubrique

a newspaper column

Il lit le rubrique sportive chaque samedi.
He reads the sports column each Saturday.

Vocabulary Section: Arts and Culture, Word of the Day
Saturday, September 12, 2009

un cafard

a cockroach

N’ayez pas peur! C’est juste un cafard.
Don’t be afraid! It’s just a cockroach.

avoir le cafard: to be depressed or to have the blues

Friday, September 11, 2009


to do, to make

Madeleine fait la vaisselle avant d’aller au cinéma.
Madeleine does the dishes before going to the movies.

Faire is one of the essential French verbs, used constantly in both literal and idiomatic expressions.

For a complete conjugation of faire, please see our NEW Quick Verb Guide.

Vocabulary Section: Verbs, Word of the Day
Thursday, September 10, 2009



Les bonbons de citron ont un goût aigre.
The lemon candy has a sour taste.

Also, note that aigre-doux means sweet and sour.

TIP: An easy way to remember this word lies in remembering the part it plays in the word vinaigre, the French word for vinegar. If you break down vinaigre (vin + aigre), you’ll see that it is quite literally sour wine.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

un geste

a movement, move or gesture

Il a parlé en faisant beaucoup de gestes de la main.
He spoke while making a lot of gestures with his hands.

Ne fais pas un geste!
Don’t make a move!

Vocabulary Section: Expressions, Word of the Day
Monday, September 7, 2009

la fête du Travail

Labor Day

La fête du Travail est un jour pour célébrer des travailleurs.
Labor Day is a day to celebrate workers.

While celebrated on the first Monday of September in North America, Labor Day is celebrated on May 1 in France. To read more about Labor Day in French, please see this Wikipedia article.

Vocabulary Section: Holidays, Word of the Day
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